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THE BRIDGE community is a bilingual place of worship dedicated to growing our understanding of his Word. Supporting and connecting relationships to Jesus on a local and global level. Check out the website to see what they can OFFER you!


She Reads Truth 

Christian Standard Bible

She Reads Truth is a wonderfully put together One-Year Bible with commentary for Women to discover and rediscover themselves through his Word. With Reading Plans, Devotionals, and a Podcast, head to the website and Connect


Reimagine Nutrition with Lacy Catao

Lacy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and a Certified Nutritionist. Throughout the Bible journey, endurance is key to the process. When you're ready to make LIFESTYLE changes to benefit your relationship with Christ. GO to her website and inquire about how she can help you reach your goals by treating your body like the



Promise Center

The Promise Center is alive with his Joy and a great way to meet other Believers within your community. This Ministry House is packed with Small Groups and Events to development your Faith for the IMPACT this world needs!


Bible Gateway + 

Translator App

I recommend getting the Gateway App to see the various translations from the original text. The Translator App will help you trace the words back to the Root in Hebrew and Greek

- Find your Eggs!   


Download Now

UCAN Personal Coach - Brooke Chestnut

Becoming aware of your posture both spiritually and physically is a side effect when reading his WORD. Brooke is a local Movement Specialist that crossed my path when I was literally praying for help with connectivity with my Temple. Head to her website and BOOK a consultation to see how she can assist in your Healing Process


Living Proof Ministries 

with Beth Moore

This Woman changed it all for me! Her passion for Christ is a wonder in itself. Get a deeper glimpse of God with her Bible Studies and Connect with Beth through her Podcasts. She's my blonde Reba - I love her! Thank you Beth Moore!


The American Heritage

College Dictionary

- 4th Edition

This is my physical resource available to me, I'm old school and prefer a tangible Dictionary. I suggest visiting a local book store or library to use along with your walk,  until then visit the link Below


Workout With YHWH

Workout With YHWH is an Athletic Line in the works with /Skährd/ Apparel and will be announced with the new website debut. Inspired by Yeshua to channel the World's frustrations that we carry with us to the appropriate outlet. Become a Member by Joining the Community on Spaces for Updates​


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How Observant Pupils Evolve

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