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“Hey Bobby!”

Writer: Audrey LynnAudrey Lynn

Written on 9/14/21

Last week on September 9th, 2021 I read the book Colossians – only four chapters so it should be easy to digest, right? There are so many Eggs in this book so allow me to walk you through what I found. Keep in mind, some eggs are meant to be left to the reader for when the Lord is ready for the reader to find them that’s why the Bible can be read over and over again to get something new out of it each time. So don’t be upset if you don’t find an egg right away – "patience Iago", is my mental reminder to myself to calm down. Also, Aladdin is one of my favorite Disney movies.

I prayed my prayer before reading: discernment, show me my heart, let me SEE what you want me to see, grant me wisdom and understanding, and then I read Col 1:9 - “We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,”. Alright, attention grabbed. He’ll do that to make sure you’re alert for the lesson. That same morning, I spent time writing the commands and the detests, altogether they equal 17 which made verse 17 real sweet,

17 He is before all things,

and by him all things hold together.”

And then in all her glory, there was verse 18, my first egg. “He is also the head of the body, the church.” Does anyone think that we are the church, like your physical body is the temple (treat your body like a temple? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20), your heart is the church, and your head is the tent of meeting? Keep reading the rest of the chapter for a closer look. Colossians 3:12 says,

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive. 14 Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.”

If unity is lacking in any arena of our lives, it’s probably because this verse is lacking in our own walk. I call these the Seven Approaches, as in if you approach someone or someone approaches you and you hold the Spirit within you then I suggest wearing these as a daily code of conduct. I will do my best throughout my journey here on this earth to follow these guidelines from now on bearing in mind that I’m human just like you: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love.

I feel that being spoon fed the bible verses isn’t the way to go. Even reading this blog doesn’t constitute getting to know our God and growing your relationship with him. Go to the tent of meeting and ask for guidance. Be patient, it’s a long distance call so it may take a moment for him to respond. Just hang out and be a decent human being while being mindful, know your surroundings, and your words as if you’re heart is a ledger. Like we don’t swear in the church building so if your heart is the church… you see?

Here are some word meanings: Epaphras - ‘loving; covered in foam’, I just found that interesting; Ascetic - to lead a life of self discipline; Austere – strict and somber; severe disposition of appearance; Tychicus, ti-kuh-kuhs - casual; by chance, he was a faithful minister. He is suppose to be the role model for ministry, like the parable of the sower’s in the book of Matthew 13. Planting the seed is a delicate thing guys, so be mindful on how and when to name drop the J word. That’s why I think he gave us the Approaches to live by in the first place.

Okay, last egg and this one took five days to discover and when it came together – Wow! Col 4:10 - “Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, sends you greetings, as does Mark, Barnabas’s cousin (concerning whom you have received instructions: if he comes to you, welcome him),”

Aristarchus - ‘the best prince’. Barnabas’s name meaning is ‘Joseph’ , but the meaning of the word in Greek is ‘son of consolation or encouragement’. Mark - ‘consecrated to the God Mars’, biblically it means ‘polite, shining’. In tracing the origin of the name I recognize one of my cousin in laws surname from the descendants of Scottish Clans that are associated with Mark, his name is Robert. I feel like I relate to Joseph in Genesis so making the connection to Barnabas's cousin is why I felt compelled to make a little note in my Bible to welcome him if he comes to me with instruction. Curious and excited to know what that could be, but I resist the urge to call him since it says “if he comes to you”. He might not even know what to tell me just yet. God’s timing, not ours.

The following Monday, 9/13/21, I had a session with a physical trainer and he put the hard ‘you need vegetables and to drink more water’, advice in the routine. I have zero veggie’s in the house at this moment, but he’s right and I need to learn how to get that going. The following day, 9/14/21 – today, I volunteered for the food bank to help out my community and a man walks up to my current station with his name tag reading Robert, I welcomed him and started the friendly chatter.

Robert has personal experience with the plant-based diet. Robert explains his success with the diet and basic do’s and don’ts and "always remember forgiveness". Robert teaches me about shopping local farmers markets to get fresh produce at a cheaper price, they last just a couple days, and so don’t waste. “There’s always two markets a week so you can return for more goods.”, he says. Robert continues to share his story and how he practices mindfulness especially just moving here after 2020 made a lot of people reevaluate their lives. Robert is a kind, encouraging, funny, an enlightened individual who gave me instruction to a healthier lifestyle.

Thank you Yeshua, for the heads up and for the mindfulness to pay attention to when you’re giving me a token from the Easter Egg. Much appreciated! Now to the market to get them vegetables and learn more about this plant based diet God apparently wants me to be on. I’ve been battling weight loss ever since high school and I’m going to take a wild guess and say my carnivorous lifestyle has been getting in the way of my yellow polka dot bikini. Also, Isaiah 1:19...

I love meat so pray for me!


Mark (Given_Name)

Writers Note 9/5/22

I don’t like the word “diet”, but the whole food plant based lifestyle has me down a total of 34lbs. Thanks Robert, thanks Yeshua!

Under the Resource tab there’s information for Reimagine Nutrition. Lacy Catao helped me earlier this year in transitioning my lifestyle based on this divine appointment. She’s amazing! She listens, she’s knowledgeable, she helps, and she gives!! She’s encouraged me so that even now six months later, I’m still applying her process in how I shop and prep. Go to the tab and enter the link to explore this healthier lifestyle choice that comes “highly” recommended.


Audrey Lynn
Audrey Lynn
Sep 18, 2022

Thank you! My mind is working in different ways and I’m glad others can see the connections, the leaps, the “coincidences”. Keep reading friend, the next one is an eye opener!


Sep 18, 2022

I love how you break down the words and ‘define’ in your studies. Love as the bond of unity and writing out what love is and what it looks like is brilliant! Finding the patterns… if you do this… it may lead to this… are amazing spiritual principles all throughout the word!


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